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Inkscreen helps government and enterprise customers securely capture and manage content. CAPTOR has been called a “camera app on steroids wearing a bulletproof vest”, combining photo, video, and audio capture with full document scanning, encrypted containerized storage, and IT controls to manage how content is created, stored, and shared. 

CAPTOR (iOS) 5.0.9




CAPTOR (iOS) 5.0.9

Josh Bohls

This week we released CAPTOR (iOS) v5.0.9 (Intune, Ivanti, BlackBerry, and Enterprise/AppConfig versions). This is a big release filled with suggestions from our customers. Here is a rundown of what’s new:

  • Instant Backup Option. Many customers use the key “automatebackupafter"=0, which instructs the app to automatically run content backups at the start of each session. One of our most frequent app improvement suggestions is to enable real time backups so that content captured in the current session can be saved to a content server immediately. CAPTOR now allows you to set “automatebackupafter"=instant and app users will start receiving prompts to backup content as they are capturing. BlackBerry UEM Admins would enter a value of “-2” to enable this feature.

  • Compass Heading. Some customers need to know the direction the device is pointing when a photo is captured. CAPTOR now supports this feature. You will see the Compass Heading data added to the caption of photos, in the Media Info screen, and also in the metadata.

  • Full Address Location Option. While we are on the topic of Captions, we also incorporated a new location option to include the full address. Previously, CAPTOR supported location types of Latitude/Longitude and City/State/Country. We now offer Address as an option.

  • “locationtype” appconfig. We released a new appconfig for “locationtype”, with the default value of “city”, and other supported values of “address” and “latlong”. If you configure this key/value in your EMM, the app setting will be locked and the selected location type will be displayed in the caption for shared and backed-up content.

  • Volume Buttons for Photo Capture. CAPTOR now allows you to press one of the Volume buttons to capture a photo.

  • Intune Sign-out. New app setting allowing user to completely sign out of their Microsoft account. This will permanently delete all content within the app. The action must be triple-confirmed to avoid accidental deletion.

  • Switch Languages in App. CAPTOR supports English, Spanish, German, Dutch, Italian, and French. You can now switch the language used in the app in the app Settings.

  • iOS 18 Support. This version of CAPTOR is tested on iOS 18, and currently supports devices running iOS 16 - 18. iOS 16 support will be carried until January 2025, after which CAPTOR will only support iOS 17 and 18.

As always we welcome your feedback. If you encounter any issues with the new release please contact Inkscreen Support. Request a demo of CAPTOR here.