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Inkscreen helps government and enterprise customers securely capture and manage content. CAPTOR has been called a “camera app on steroids wearing a bulletproof vest”, combining photo, video, and audio capture with full document scanning, encrypted containerized storage, and IT controls to manage how content is created, stored, and shared. 




CAPTOR 2024 Year in Review

Josh Bohls

2024 was an eventful year at Inkscreen and we wanted to publish a “year in review” to encapsulate all of the product releases and company news. Here we go!

  • CAPTOR (iOS) v5.0 was released in February to great reviews from customers. The most noticeable change was the app nows opens directly to a “default capture mode” instead of the old home screen. This reduces taps to complete simple workflows and improved the user experience. This release was a 9 month project involving a major code rewrite and modernization.

  • CAPTOR for Intune (iOS and Android) really made strides in 2024. We worked closely with a handful of customers to refine the authentication experience, adherence to Conditional Access, and support the wide range of MAM App Protection policies.

  • CAPTOR Camera was upgraded to take higher quality photos.

  • Many new app configurations were released to allow for greater customization and. control, including:

    • Default Capture Mode

    • Camera Quality

    • Disable Capture Mode(s)

    • Biometric Authentication Options

    • Capture Location Customization (Full Address, Lat/Long, City/State)

    • Instant Content Backup

  • CAPTOR (Android) also introduced default capture modes and some of the same changes we released for iOS.

Finally, I want to thank our reseller partners around the world, without whom we would not have been able to gain the awareness of the majority of our customers. Our 2024 Partner of the Year is Swisscom AG. Swisscom has been a partner since 2015, so this is our 10th year working together.

Inkscreen's 2024 Partner of the Year Announcement

Josh Bohls

Inkscreen Names Swisscom AG as 2024 Partner of the Year

Austin, TX USA – January 8, 2025 – Inkscreen, a leading provider of secure content capture solutions, is proud to announce Swisscom AG as the recipient of its 2024 Partner of the Year award. This prestigious honor is presented annually to the partner who has achieved the highest sales of Inkscreen's flagship solution, CAPTOR, while also demonstrating exceptional collaboration with Inkscreen’s team to drive customer success.

Swisscom AG, a prominent Swiss telecommunications and IT services provider, has been a standout partner, delivering outstanding results and leveraging CAPTOR to enhance its managed content capture capabilities for clients across various industries. The company’s dedication to excellence, combined with its deep understanding of CAPTOR’s potential, has been instrumental in its success this year.

“We are thrilled to recognize Swisscom AG as our 2024 Partner of the Year,” said Josh Bohls, Inkscreen President. “Their impressive sales achievements, commitment to innovation, and collaborative approach with our team have made them an invaluable partner. This award highlights their dedication to driving transformation through intelligent document automation, and we look forward to continuing our successful partnership in the future.”

Swisscom has played a critical role in expanding the reach of CAPTOR across Switzerland. Their strong relationship with Inkscreen has allowed both companies to achieve new levels of success in the Swiss market.

Inkscreen congratulates Swisscom AG for their outstanding achievements in 2024 and looks forward to further collaboration in the years ahead.

CAPTOR for BlackBerry (iOS) 5.1.4

Josh Bohls

This week we released CAPTOR for BlackBerry (iOS) version 5.1.4. This release includes some major upgrades to the CAPTOR camera, as well as two new app configuration options.

The CAPTOR camera is the most important component of the app. Therefore we spend a lot of time fine-tuning the camera so that our customers can capture high quality photos that meet the demands of their business users. This release includes some changes to the camera that will both improve the quality of photos, while also shrinking the file size. The exact resolution of the photos depends on the device, but the general goal is to capture photos at 4K resolution. Due to some customer feedback, we also enable a lower resolution camera that has better performance. This option captures photos in 1080/1K resolution (generally) but the camera is lightning fast so you can take a lot of photos very quickly.

Now lets look at the new app configs, specifically for CAPTOR managed by BlackBerry UEM.

Launch BlackBerry UEM, navigate to the Apps screen, and find CAPTOR for BlackBerry. Open an existing app configuration and tap on the Configuration tab.

Scroll down til you locate the setting labeled “Location Type”. Location Type will determine what location data will be included in the captions and metadata of CAPTOR photos and videos.

If you expand the Location Type dropdown you will see the following options to select from.

  • Complete Address: Displays the complete address where the content was captured

  • City/State: Displays the city, state, and country where the content was captured

  • Latitude/Longitude: Displays the precise latitude/longitude coordinates where content was captured.

  • None: Would remove any location data from captions even if the app user has enabled location services.

  • User: Allows the app user to choose their own value in the app settings

Just below on the same Configuration Tab you will see a new configuration labeled “Camera Quality”. This app configuration will set the CAPTOR camera in either High or Low mode, or allow the user to switch between the modes in the app.

if you expand Camera Quality you will find the following options

  • High: This will lock the CAPTOR camera in High Quality Capture Mode. Photos captured in this mode will be the highest resolution and quality possible.

  • Low: This will lock the CAPTOR camera in Low Quality Capture Mode. Photos captured in this mode will be lower quality, however the camera performance will be improved. This might be preferable for situations where you need to capture a lot of photos very quickly and are not as concerned with the quality.

  • User: This option will allow the user to decide which mode to capture photos in. The setting will be unlocked in the app, so they can easily switch between High and Low as needed.

There are quite a few other enhancements included in version 5.1.4. Here is a summary of the most important changes:

  • Improved photo medatadata, including time/date of capture, edit, and backup.

  • Option to not include location data when sharing a photo.

  • Reset the “Backed up” flag on a specific content so that it is queued to be backup again. Open the content, tap Media Info button, tap Reset Backup.