How to Buy
CAPTOR™ is available direct from Inkscreen and through our approved partners.
CAPTOR for Ivanti (AppConnect or Android Enterprise)
Find us on the Ivanti Marketplace:
Requires Ivanti/MobileIron system and associated licenses.
CAPTOR for Intune
Find us in the Microsoft AppSource Marketplace:
Please download from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store and complete a trial request form. Requires Microsoft Intune system and valid license from Inkscreen.
CAPTOR for BlackBerry
Find us on the BlackBerry Marketplace: Requires BlackBerry UEM and associated licenses.
CAPTOR for Enterprise (AppConfig)
Please download on the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store, and complete a trial request form. Requires compatible EMM system and associated licenses.
To find a partner in your region, check out our Partners page or please send a note and we will make an introduction.