Protecting sensitive corporate data from external threats is not sufficient. In healthcare, recent studies have found that more than 50% of cyber incidents involve employees or contractors, and across all industries an insider is involved in 28% of incidents. So often these days the threat is coming from inside the organization - from employees or contractors with authorized access to data and networks, commonly referred to as “Insider Threats”.
In the context of taking pictures or scanning documents on the job, insider threats can erupt into stories such as:
Police Officers sharing sensitive and protected photos of a crime scene (LA Times: L.A. County deputies shared graphic photos of Kobe Bryant crash scene, sources say)
Automotive Engineer selling a photo of a pre-production car to a journalist (CarBuzz: LEAKED: Check out the rear of new BMW 3)
Employee using a consumer-grade document scanning app turns out to be infested with malware (BBC: Android CamScanner PDF app ‘sent malware to phones’)
Insider threats can originate from any employee at any time - and they typically do not involve malice intent. In fact, insider risk can be introduced through carelessness or even desperation - attempting to complete a task without the right tools from IT or authorized access to do so.
Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) platforms go a long way to protecting corporate data, managing devices and apps, and enabling secure mobile use cases - but there are gaps. DLP and container policies can block certain actions, but they do not cover all potential data leakage opportunities or insider threats. They have also fallen short in logging and reporting when employees attempt to violate data protection policies. Here are some examples where EMM policies and controls do not do enough to protect corporate data:
Taking a screenshot of a protected document or photo on an unsupervised iOS device
Screen mirroring to an TV or monitor
Screen recording on an unsupervised device
Attempts to share/copy content and files to unauthorized apps or cloud services
Attempts to import/copy content and files into the secure container from an unauthorized app or cloud service.
Attempts to use bluetooth services such as AirDrop® to share files to an unauthorized mobile device
CAPTOR Compliance is a new component of Inkscreen’s secure content capture app ecosystem for logging and alerting IT Administrators when employees violate -or attempt to violate- corporate DLP or container policies. This information is critical and actionable. No longer will IT be in the dark when employees exploit workarounds to established EMM policies.
When enabled, CAPTOR Compliance silently logs possible violations as employees use the CAPTOR mobile app. Events can be logged even if the user is operating the app in a disconnected state without access to wifi or cellular signals. These events are then collected in a secure database and reported to the company’s EMM admin on a scheduled basis - immediately, daily, weekly, or monthly.
CAPTOR Compliance will initially focus on the following events, with more to be added over time:
Screenshots - Employee views a photo or document and creates a screenshot, which is saved outside of the container.
Unauthorized Share - Employee attempts to use the Open In options to copy content to an app or service that is blocked.
Unauthorized Import - Employee attempts to use the Open In option to copy content into CAPTOR from a blocked app.
Screen Recording - Employee initiates a screen recording session that includes CAPTOR.
Screen Mirroring - Employee opens CAPTOR while mirroring their screen on a monitor or TV
CAPTOR Compliance is available as part of a free trial and an optional upgrade to the CAPTOR secure content capture mobile app. If you are existing customer please use this form to request to add the service to your license.